Living in Brno? You can vote! European Union citizens with the residence in the Czech Republic are eligible to vote in the upcoming local elections. However a necessary step you need to perform to be able to vote is the registration for the local elections with the Office of the municipality where you are registered as a resident.

There is however a discussion whether the residency needs to be permanent or if temporary residents are allowed to vote as well. So far the interpretation has been leaning towards giving the right to vote to permanent residents only, however a recent court ruling (September 19, 2014) suggests that even temporary residents can vote. So, if you’re not a permanent resident, you can try getting registered (see below), but it’s uncertain that your municipality will allow that. Permanent residents are unaffected and can vote regardless.

The deadline for registrations is October 8 2014, 4pm. You will need to present your passport and a document proving that you are the resident of the municipality. Although the application itself needs to be in Czech, we included instructions in brackets. You can either use the form as it is displayed below the rainbow line or you can print it from a neat PDF form.

Žít Brno & Pirates wish you good luck with your choice!

Městská část Brno-………………………………………………………………………….

(Enter the name of the municipality where you are registered as a resident)


Úřad Městské části Brno-………………………………………………………….………

(Enter the name of the municipality Office where you are registered as a resident)

ŽÁDOST o zapsání do dodatku stálého seznamu voličů

Žádám o zapsání do dodatku stálého seznamu voličů dle ustanovení § 77 zákona č. 491/2001 Sb., o volbách do zastupitelstev obcí a o změně některých předpisů, ve znění pozdějších.

(I am applying to be included into the permanent list of voters per Law no. 491/2001 of the Codex § 77)


jméno (name): ………………………………………………………..……………….……..


příjmení (last name): ………………………………………………………….…….……..


datum narození (birthdate): ……………………………………………………………..


státní občanství (citizenship): …………………………………………………………..

adresa trvalého pobytu (address of residence):










V Městské části Brno-………………………………

(Enter the name of the municipality where you are registered as a resident),


dne ……………………… 2014 (enter date in the day/month format)




podpis (signature)


Doklad, dle kterého byla ověřena uvedená data: ………………………………………………………..
(Document based on which was the above filled in; likely your residence permit – all of the below will be filled in by the Office)


Ověření provedl (verified by) : …………………………………………..

Jiří Ulip · · Štítky: , , , ,